Paid Keremiya v4 WordPress Movie Theme English Version

Download Free Paid Keremiya v4 WordPress Movie Theme! Advanced Panel + Dynamic Design In English Version

1 Most Viewed, Most Commented and Most Liked Pages
(specially opened in these pages, paging herein can be made.) 

2. Advanced Theme Panel with keremiyaframework
(keremiyapanel provides users with a single click to completely manage the facilities.) 

3 from the keremiyaframework Advanced SEO Options
(Many includes all the features found in the SEO plugin.) 

4. Video Front, video Six, Splash and Right Left floating Advertising Areas
(the possibility to manage their ad space with keremiyapanel.) 

5. Fully dynamic WordPress theme, Homepage and Sidebar Component Support!
(Components can publish categories of movies you want to Home section. You can add the components you want to Sidebar.) 

6. Perfect Browser Compatibility
(Internet Explorer 7+, Chrome and Firefox seamlessly theme looks and functions.) 

7. desired figure Your Plug-in you can name the party system
(<! - NextPage -> <! - Topics: One Piece -> as films, series can partla and can give any name you want.) 

8. Google Rich snippets and Rich Content System with Facebook Meta tag
(Google will no longer be shown in the category directory is attached to your movies and facebook to receive you properly as content.) 

9. Theme Update System
(When the new version or an update out panel on update notification to appear, and you can still instantly theme to use smoothly.) 

10 Special Areas Film Information Panel now too Easier and Faster!
(Banner system, Image Quality, Actress, Director, Production, Seo settings, etc. Add text, such as Fields section takes place in a box.) 

11 keremiyav4 Full Compliance with WordPress Boots!
Theme bots our infrastructure is designed to ensure full compliance. Adding content to thousands of one-click chance of .. 

Demo Keremiya v4 WordPress Movie Theme

Download Keremiya v4 WordPress Movie Theme

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